2012년 1월 3일 화요일

Bid Smarter with Pay Per Click Bid Management using PPC SAAS

Daily, we get familiar with different marketing tools which can provide your business a good hold but there are few applications which actually work PPC SAAS from Dynamic Software (which you may remember sold the very first third party bid management tool for Overture, now Yahoo! Search Marketing) manages your entire pay per click campaign. Most companies begin by loving PPC advertising. It is easy to get the keywords to the nail tips desired position compared with the work involved with SEO. They get happy, create the campaigns and load the keywords and phrases and run the campaigns.Then the bill comes from the search engine company and they get dismayed at the cost, become disillusioned thinking that PPC advertising will not work for them because the advertising cost is too high in their targeted area, feel that they have failed and give up on pay per click advertising.The actual failure was that there was no analysis done on the keywords and campaigns and no monitor or setting of goals. Realistically, it is just about impossible to do this by yourself unless you have nothing else to do all day long but watch your PPC campaigns.The failure could have been avoided by using a Pay Per Click Bid Management tool that automatically handles your account for you. What you need is to create criteria and goals. By giving your budget, maximum cost per click, desired rank and the rest of the information that goes along with a ppc account a good bid management application will crunch the numbers and determine for you what needs to be done to make you a success.Remember to the search engines like Yahoo and Google you are an advertiser and a source of revenue to them. You are actually their revenue stream, Nail art do you trust the information they provide? Are you really willing to tell them max cost per click you are willing to spend, just so they can take it from you? The point is, you need an easy to use application that interfaces with the search engines that hides information you may not want them to know that is on your side. Pay per click applications that manager your account are on your side. They can calculate your return on investment, and based on you budget make smart choices. Older applications used to only bid to position (rank based). But what does it matter if you are in position number one if you lose money there? Newer applications such as PPC SAAS from Dynamic Software are able to take in all the information and using it, determine the best amount of money to bid your keywords to.

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